Local Information
Queen's Cross & Harlaw Map
You can view the 2018 community council map below.
Traffic Updates
Waverly Lane 26/03 - 09/04
There will also be a prohibition of waiting at any time on Waverley Lane, between its junctions with Waverley Place and Carden Place.
The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC resurfacing works and an alternate route can be found by Waverley Place, Albert Street, Carden Place and vice versa. For further information, please contact Stephen Boyd, technical officer, on StBoyd@aberdeencity.gov.uk.
St Swithin Street 29/03 - 09/04
There will be a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side of St Swithin Street between the north boundary of 18 St Swithin Street to the south boundary of 22 St Swithin Street between March 29 and April 09.
The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense. The measure is necessary to protect public safety during connection works by SGN. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on scott@contraflow.co.uk or 01236 862400.
New Regulations
New regulations are coming into force in February 2022, having been delayed a year due to Covid.
The new standard requires:
one smoke alarm installed in the room most frequently used for general daytime living purposes
one smoke alarm in every circulation space on each storey, such as hallways and landings
one heat alarm installed in every kitchen
All alarms should be ceiling-mounted and interlinked.